Confession about the tree


Several people have left comments about the Christmas tree saga so I´d better confess it was based – somewhat loosely – on fact but there was a fair bit of literary licence.

To those who left comments, and all the other visitors to Homepaddock, I hope you had as happy and a relaxed Christmas as we did and that 2009 is especially kind to you and yours.

The best week of the year


This is my favourite week of the year.

It’s far too late to worry about whatever is left on the things-to-do-this year list and too soon to do any more than think about the things to put on next year’s list.

There’s usually enough left overs from Christmas so preparing meals is easy and if there’s a need to cook it’s most likely to be on a barbeque.

If the weather co-operates we might head for the hills, river or lake and if it doesn’t I’ll have my nose in a book.

If Father Christmas heard my hints I’ll  have several books to read, in case he didn’t there’ll be some on my not-yet-read shelf and if all else fails I’ll re-read some old favourites.


Saturday’s smiles


This can’t all be blamed on Christmas dinner.
