More to Moeraki than boulders and seafood


The Moeraki boulders have always attracted visitors and Fleurs Place in the township has added to the reasons to stop.

However, the ODT shows there are other reasons for a visit.

He´s earned the QSM


North Otago retired farmer Lindsay Malcolm has more than earned the QSM he was awarded in the New Year honours.

He was born, brought up and farmed in the Enfield district where he was involved in a wide variety of community organisations including Young Farmers, Federated Farmers, school and hall committees and church.

He was also active further afield as North Otago president of Federated Farmers, chair of Network Waitaki, on the electoral college of the Meat and Wool Board and a member of the meat board.

His membership of comittees wasn´t just a token gesture, if he was involved at all he was committed to doing his best.

He has a keen interest in local history and with the help of a cousin, turned the letters his father wrote home when serving overseas in WWI into a fascinating book. Since then he also published a photographic history of the Enfield District and recently published a family history.