Word of the day


Rubricism – a scrupulous regard for following the directives and instructions to the last detail; a tenacious adherence to rules of behaviour or thought; formulism; of, pertaining to, contained in, or prescribed by rubrics, especially liturgical rubrics; an authoritative rule; especially a rule for conduct of a liturgical service; the strict or overzealous observance of liturgical rubrics.

Milne muses


Beautifying the blogosphere


Farmers care


The militant anti-farmer and anti farming activists say farmers don’t care for their stock.

It’s both ethically and economically imperative to care for you stock – even if it means you have to go to these lengths to do it:

Maya muses


Child abuse


Whoever let this young girl think climate change will kill her is guilty of child abuse.

David Seymour is right:

But I want to make it clear that if they want to effect real change in the world, they need to turn up to school and get a good education now.

He was echoed by Heather du Plessis-Allan :

No longer is this just a strike about the climate – it is now also about toi tu te tiriti, it is about freeing Palestine, ending the fast-track approvals bill, keeping the ban on oil and gas, and lowering the voting age to 16. 

It’s about everything, basically. Everything except the most important thing they could be doing as children… learning.

Well educated young people equipped with the ability to reason, think and innovate are what the country, and the world, need for a sustainable future.

The solution to climate change is not hysteria or protests predicated on the left’s list of what it regards as the world’s ill. Nor is it money wasted on politics and bureaucracy.

It’s research, science and technology that will help reduce warming and enable adaptations to it and that needs well educated young people, not protesters who almost certainly don’t really know what they’re protesting about.