Shining light on human achievement

Let the luddites light their candles for Earth Hour.

The aim of treading lightly on the earth is a worthy one but I’d rather shine a light on human achievement.

I won’t go as far as Lucia Maria at NZ Conservative  who calls it turn on all the lights night.

I’d rather follow Motella in celebrating human achievement  . Although like Poneke, who reminds us that North Korea has “Earth Hour” all night every night, I will neither be using more or less power than I normally do.

I’ll simply be grateful for the many leaps of science and imagination which bring light and other improvements to our world.

Without them I wouldn’t have been able to read Will Type for Food where Tim T writes he isn’t submitting this poem  to the Earth Hour poems’ page:

The light is off I cannot see
The thingo where I write my verse
The whatsit I just stumbled on
That made me curse. . . 

Tim has more poems for earth hour, the first of which starts: And the second which beings

I think that I shall never see
After that tragic and avoidable incident during during Earth Hour . . .  

2 Responses to Shining light on human achievement

  1. robertguyton says:

    “The aim of treading lightly on the earth is a worthy one but..”
    Says it all Ele.
    In Earth-houring right now and the candles (beeswax) are burning the clear light of understanding that me and my 45 candlers are bathing in.
    Won’t be back on here for a hour or two!


  2. ZenTiger says:

    We’d be better off turning the TV off for an hour, every day. Actually, mines turned off most of the time. How much electricity have I saved then?


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