Monday’s quiz

1. Who said, “Curiosity is freewheeling intelligence.”?

2. Who wrote The Sundowners?

3. Where in New Zealand is Sebastopol Hill and who is commemorated by the cairn on top of it?

4. Which country has the lowest high point?

5. What is an epistrophe?

6 Responses to Monday’s quiz

  1. gravedodger says:

    1 pass
    2 Jon Cleary
    3 North Otago dont know name but I think in respect of pioneer in meat industry
    4 Tuvalu
    5 repetition of word/words at end of statements for emphasis


  2. Kismet says:

    1 Dunno
    2 Jon Cleary
    3 South of Oamaru the monument is for someone Brydon.
    4 Some south pacific atoll?
    5 Repetition of the end of a phrase.


  3. Paul Tremewan says:

    Alistair Cook ( in a Letter from Spain.. no I mean ‘America’…); Jon Cleary, mate; Mount Cook National Park, but that’s a mountain not a hill, and someone nicked the cairn… Tuvalu? and a repeated word or expression at the end of a series of words or expressions, for the people, of the people and in the magazine ‘People’.
    Paul Tremewan


  4. Pique Oil says:

    1, Ummmm
    2, Jon Cleary
    3, Oamaru, Brydone, the superintendent of the first frozen meat shipment from Port Chalmers. He also was instrumental in the establishment of Edendale dairy factory
    5,Repetition of the last word


  5. pique oil says:

    If epistrophe is at the end of the phrase or sentence, is there a word for doing the same at the start of sentences?


  6. Ed Snack says:

    I would have thought that the Maldives were a definite contender with Tuvalu. I recall it being claimed that the highest point there was in the 2 – 3 meter range, but then I’m not sure of what the Tuvalu high point is. My Guess, just to be different, the Maldives.

    It probably depends on at which place has someone built a big sandcastle lately.


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