Wool natural option for insulation

Federated Farmers saw an opportunity for wool  in the Budget funding for home insulation and Wool Partners has followed up with a fact sheet on its benefits.

Among them are:

* Wool is a natural insulator.

* It’s healthy because it’s bio-degradable and non-toxic.

* Wool is a natural air conditioner, moderates humidity and act as a natural filter.

* It’s safer than synthetic insulation because it’s fire retardant.

*It’s environmentallyf reindly because it’s a natural, renewable and sustainable resource.

* Wool insulation gives value for money.

Wool insulation has been around for some years but is still a very small player in the market.

However, a growing demand for natural products combined with the government’s insulation scheme might provide a boost for companies like Terra Lana.

3 Responses to Wool natural option for insulation

  1. ZenTiger says:

    But where would we find wool in NZ? Does this mean we have to reduce our pink fibreglass farms?


  2. homepaddock says:

    Zen – pink went out last November – blue’s the new black and wool’s where it’s at.


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