Let’s keep positive

Oracle Team USA has won the America’s Cup.

The final score was 9-8 – though they won two more races before they got on the scoreboard.

But let’s not go into national mourning.

Emirates Team New Zealand sailed well, with a New Zealand crew, New Zealand boat design, New Zealand technology and New Zealand expertise.

Oracle Team New Zealand sailed better, with an international crew which included New Zealanders, New Zealand boat design, New Zealand expertise.

They also had a New Zealand manager – Russell Coutts – who hasn’t lost an America’s Cup.

They also had more money and the lack of challengers showed that was a significant factor.

This was an amazing spectacle and one of the great sporting comebacks.

But it was only sport.

So let’s keep positive, congratulate the victors, thank Dean Barker and the team for the effort they put in and the entertainment they provided us, get on with our lives and smile – it’s contagious.

11 Responses to Let’s keep positive

  1. robertguyton says:

    Somebody has to say it – Team New Zealand’s loss is the final nail in Key’s coffin.


  2. Quintin Hogg says:



  3. robertguyton says:

    It had to be said.


  4. Gravedodger says:

    Robert again contributes his amazing dearth of acceptance of positivity, inspirational thinking, leadership and nation building.

    Far more likely the magnificent challenge by Emirates Team New Zealand will reinforce how much this country needs people like Dean Barker, Grant Dalton, Ray Davies and the whole bunch of winners on “Our Boat” that came within minutes of winning the trophy exclusive of the two point penalty for cheating in the AC 45 regatta that it is rumoured Lazza was going to challenge had ETNZ won.

    John Key has a preferred rating over 55%, and the National led government is still winning .

    Again poor old glass half empty, negative, oppose anything that might pay for his dreams, tall poppy chopping Robert, attempts to make another personal attack on the most able, popular and genuine Kiwi Prime Minister in my life time.
    Only to shoot himself in both feet again, “it aint working Robert, that poll jump would have been a very bad look if, after three weeks of the media trying to make news out of the national tour by the three amigoes, it hadnt happened.

    Your new friend David Mk lll or is it lV, is still leading a faction filled rabble and the polls still indicate any rise will come from the Green Party for a while yet.

    Three sitting days of the Parliament with the new/old lineup getting their beans from the Government is more remarkable for its misfires than anything to get the far left even remotely excited.

    At least ETNZ promoted excellence while losing.


  5. robertguyton says:

    Got ya rattled, eh, GD?


  6. Dear oh dear, Robert pops up to cast his dour countenance and Jeremiah view of the world on the thread. Why he should seek to transmogrify the Cup loss into a loss by the PM can only because he is so frightened by the competence of the govt led by Key.


  7. Gravedodger says:

    Yeah really worried about the sun tomorrow, might get up an hour earlier on Sunday to check it out, Robert.
    Should your wonkinomic mates get to the treasury benches the mess will take years to fix but I would never consider it wont happen, the saviour will hopefully be that Labour do not need your mob sufficiently to allow the damage to occur
    Sheesh #1 Helen bought a third term
    Sheesh #2 12% voting green????? something about fooling the people all the time, not too difficult when people such as yourself spout such garbage and call it policy, solutions, fairness and other fraudulent deluded utterances.
    Sheesh#3. Adolph Hitler got to be Chancellor using the Constitution, albeit with considerable persuasive actions of the Brown Shirts.
    Sheesh #4 Parliament restored the Monarchy after committing Regicide.
    Sheesh #5 The Berlin wall no longer exists and Angela Merkel is still running things.
    Sheesh #6 the Arctic Sea Ice is quite a bit bigger.
    Sheesh # 7 The old AGW and CC and AWE and IPCC are all looking a bit sus.

    Worried nope, taking pre-emptive actions hell yes, are they good for New Zealand nope, will they be of benefit to an old pensioner determined your lunatic mates wont destroy my savings, hell yes again.
    I know what happened to dogs that worried sheep, a small piece of lead inserted into the dogs brain stopped the behaviour with absolutely zero recividicism therefore I never worry.


  8. robertguyton says:

    My ‘dour countenance’ is revealed in my gravatar, adam. Yours too, I see 🙂


  9. robertguyton says:

    Cup’o’tea, GD, I prescribe – chamomile for you – so soothing.


  10. Robert your rictus grin do you mean


  11. robertguyton says:

    Ah, Adam, I was laughing fit to burst, that’s for sure.
    Remember, Adam, let’s keep positive!


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