Waiting for cries of ‘corrpution’

Imagine if Federated Farmers, Chambers of Commerce, and other business and employers’ organisations were affiliated to the National Party.

Imagine then that this affiliation enabled them to not only influence the leadership and policy but buy it.

Imagine what would happen if the party leader said that their support would be rewarded with “radical” employment law changes.

There would be an uproar and cries of corruption.

Thankfully it wouldn’t happen.

Business and employers’ organisations have the good sense to remain non-aligned, seeking to work with governments of any colour.

Besides, National Party  members wouldn’t countenance that sort of membership let alone one which gave the affiliates more power in and influence over the party than any individuals.

Labour is different.

It not only allows unions to become affiliate members of the party it allows them power and influence over the party and its leadership.

That leads to statements like this:

. . . Mr Cunliffe said the union support would be rewarded with “radical” employment law changes.

I won’t hold my breath waiting for cries of ‘corruption’ in reaction to this promise to unions.

One Response to Waiting for cries of ‘corrpution’

  1. Armchair Critic says:

    Imagine? There’s no need. The pretence that those links don’t exist may well have been cute, once upon a time, but no more.


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