Better at science than politics

Adam Smith at Inquiring Mind has been testing his political and scientific knowledge with Pew quizes.

I got only 7/12 in the political quiz but thanks to a couple of lucky guesses managed 12/12 in the scientific one.

Would it be unscientific to conclude this means I have a better knowledge of science than US politics?

9 Responses to Better at science than politics

  1. Deborah says:

    12/12 on the science quiz. I ignored the politics one.


  2. Neil says:

    I did the US political one and got 11/12. The only one wrong was the question about how many US troops were in Afghanistan.
    I got 93%
    I happen to watch a lot of Fox News and follow US Politics closely.


  3. 12/12 on the science quiz and 11/12 on the politics quiz. I also got the US military in Afghanistan question wrong.


  4. 12/12 on the science one too. “Are you smarter than an average American?” is not exactly a high threshold though.


  5. Stuart says:

    11/12 for the politics I got Glen Buck?? TV host wrong and no I do not work on Capital Hill I got Afghanistan Military by lucky guess


  6. pdm says:

    9/12 for the politics and to my surprise I knew most of the science answers and got 10/12 way above my expectations.


  7. Neil says:

    Stuart you got Glen Buck(Beck) wrong !
    Beck is the US darling of the “loony” right, of which we have some in certain areas of New Zealand.
    Beck rants,shouts,distorts etc. His basic opposition can be accepted but the way he does it is stupid.
    This creates a very divisive atmosphere in the US where there is a tendency for authority and their opponents to lash out personally.
    Beck is on Fox, better to watch Hannity,O’Reilly or Cavuto, who are not so psychologically hung up.


  8. stef says:

    I got 12/12 on both. All though the politics one involved a lot of elimination.


  9. adamsmith1922 says:

    Well done everyone, but as someone noted the threshold is probably low.


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