Aussies put ETS on hold

The Australian government has put its Emissions Trading Scheme on hold.

A parliamentary committee has been asked to inquire into the effectiveness of emissions trading as a means to reduce carbon pollution.

How very sensible.

Whether or not the climate is changing there is no point inflicting an expensive exercise on people and businesses if it’s not going to reduce carbon pollution.

Hat Tip: Dear John

3 Responses to Aussies put ETS on hold

  1. says:

    It’s not going on hold. It’s a move designed to gather more ammunition against the recalcitrant opposition.


  2. The interesting thing is the bushfires have generated more carbon emmissions than the rest of the country does all year.
    Even like this show how silly the Global Warmongerers really are and how stupid we would be to follow their mantra and expect results.
    Whether or not climate change is happening, there is little or nothing we can do to stop it.
    The fires show the futility of it all.


  3. Great post! I read your other posts as well and I subscribed to your RSS Feed!



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