Ode To A Jet-Ski Person


This Friday’s poem is dedicated to all those whose summer peace at the beach or lake has been spoiled by these motorised overgrown bumblebees.

Ode To A Jet-Ski Person was written by Michael Leunig and comes from Poems 1972-2002, published by Viking.

Ode To A Jet-Ski Person


Jet-ski person, selfish fink,

May your silly jet-ski sink,

May you hit a pile of rocks,

Oh Hoonish, summer, coastal pox.


Noisy, smoking, dickhead fool

On your loathsome leisure tool,

Give us all a jolly lark

And sink beside a hungry shark.


Scream as in its fangs you go,

Your last attention-seeking show,

While on the beach we all join in

With ‘Three cheers for the dorsal fin!’


     – Michael Leunig –

5 Responses to Ode To A Jet-Ski Person

  1. Had one buzz us while we were anchored up fishing. He got the message when we started casting at him. Damn near got him with a trace rigged for shark.

    Another couple at one of the southern lakes buzzed up & down all day annoying the crap out of us.

    They came in and went straight to bed, all tired out from a day of blatting about.

    I hope our late night partying didn’t keep them awake…


  2. PiqueOil says:

    I have heard tell that an old style of golfball (the ones with lots of rubber strands inside) gum up the fuel system rather well.
    Only a rumour I have heard of course.


  3. Cindy P says:

    and sink besides a hungry shark! brilliant


  4. […] in which he takes the world to task with a profound yet very simple humanist approach. He also hates jet-skis, as do […]


  5. […] in which he takes the world to task with a profound yet very simple humanist approach. He also hates jet-skis, as do […]


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