The Topp Twins – Let Me Wander


Day 27 of the tune a day for NZ Music Month challenge.

One of my uncles could play the spoons, he also played the bull fiddle – a broom handle attached to a box with a long piece of thick string which made a thumming sort of noise.

The Topp Twins aren’t playing the bull fiddle in this clip but they do play the spoons:

Rounding up the other blogs:

The Bads were singing Bit by Bit at Inquiring Mind.

And it’s Bliss from Th’ Dudes at Keeping Stock.

Boh Runga – Starfish Sleeping


Day six of the NZ Music Month tune a day challenge.

Boh Runga with Starfish Sleeping:

Over at Inquiring Mind Th’ Dudes are Walking In Light

At Keeping Stock Graham Brazier sings Billy Bold

And at Rob’s Blockhead Blog it’s Rain and Tears from Hi Revving Tongues