

At first sight, an amusing juxtaposition of signs, and businesses:

But second thoughts, it’s not so funny for anyone who’s got an unhealthy relationship with food.

Apropos of this, there is a growing body of research suggesting diets don’t work:

. . Whether you try to reduce your body size through intermittent fasting or a standard energy-restricted diet, the same issue remains – are humans actually able to consciously control their body weight? Weight set-point theory would say no.

Decades of research suggests that although we can lose weight in the short term, it is invariably regained within two to five years, and for as many as half of dieters, more weight is regained than was originally lost.

US obesity and neuroscience researcher Stephan Guyenet says there is no evidence to suggest intermittent fasting – cutting normal calorie intake by about three-quarters for two days in seven, say – is more effective for weight loss than daily portion control for the average person. “Another way of putting it is that neither strategy is very effective for weight loss,” says Guyenet.

The difficulty we have tricking our body into downsizing itself comes down to neuroscience, he writes in his book
The Hungry Brain. Weight set-point theory, which explains why repeated dieting is unsuccessful at producing long-term change in body weight or shape, was developed in the 1980s.

The theory supposes that we have an inbuilt control system that dictates how much fat we carry and we can’t consciously or permanently change our weight because our subconscious will drive us to regain it.

It’s a bit like someone else having the remote control for your television. You can try to manually change channels, but the remote’s invisible force keeps switching it back

The central controller of our weight is thought to be located in the hypothalamus, which receives feedback from around the body on fat and activity levels. The hypothalamus then influences our eating habits and energy expenditure to maintain our weight set-point

The controller does this by increasing hunger (as every dieter knows, the more weight they lose, the more persistent hunger becomes), increasing food reward value (making high-energy foods more appealing) and by slowing our metabolic rate. Within days of starting a self-imposed famine, the body adapts to conserve energy by slowing the metabolism down, making weight loss increasingly difficult
. . .

Apropos of this, my favourite quote on diets from Anne Lamott:

. . . I used to start diets, too. I hated to mention this to my then-therapist. She would say cheerfully, “Oh, that’s great, honey. How much weight are you hoping to gain?” . .

Some resources for non-dieting:

If not dieting then what? – Dr Rick Kausman

Moderation Movement

and another Moderation Movement  which focuses on intuitive eating.


Sunday soapbox


Sunday’s soapbox is yours to use as you will – within the bounds of decency and absence of defamation. You’re welcome to look back or forward, discuss issues of the moment, to pontificate, ponder or point us to something of interest, to educate, elucidate or entertain, amuse, bemuse or simply muse, but not abuse.
The Moderation Movement's photo.

At the end of my time, the questions I”ll ask myself are: Did I love deeply? Did I laugh often? Did I treat people with compassion? Did I make a difference (however small)?Moderation Movement

A Peace of Nourishment


Today is International No Diet Day:

After it was first held in then early 90’s in the U.K, slowly but surely other countries around the world have come on board to acknowledge this day. There is now no debate (and the research is clear) about whether weight loss diets work (they don’t), that they cause weight gain for many, and the focus on weight/weight loss leads to increased weight stigma. In addition, weight loss dieting is the commonest pathway to developing an eating disorder. This is perhaps the most insidious aspect of dieting, as we are increasingly seeing younger and younger age groups engage in weight suppression strategies. Please watch and share the promo for ‘A Peace of Nourishment’ featuring the very brave Kylie who is aiming to share her journey to recovery via this documentary.

Dr Kausman is the author of If Not Dieting Then What and has a website of the same name.

The Moderation Movement is also marking No Diet Day:

Here are my 6 top reasons why people should stop dieting now, or never go on a diet again.

1. “The best way to gain weight, is to lose weight.”

Research shows us that over 95% of people who lose weight on a diet, regain that weight within 5 years. The overwhelming majority regain more weight. Quote taken from ‘Beyond a shadow of a diet’ by Judith Matz and Ellen Frankel.

2. With regard to diets – “It’s the only thing we buy that, when the product fails, we all blame ourselves and then go buy another version.” Brilliantly put by American dietitian, Evelyn Tribole .

3. “If diets worked, everyone who has ever tried to lose weight, would have done it and kept the weight off long-term, end of story.” Zoe Nicholson (me)

4. Many people go on a diet with the aim to lose weight and feel better about themselves.

Research has found that dieters have lower self esteem, lower levels of body image satisfaction and higher levels of anxiety, depression and disordered eating than non-dieters. So in fact, dieting achieves the exact opposite of the very thing many people are trying to achieve.

5. Weight cycling, or yo-yoing, causes more damage to the body than maintaining a heavier weight.

Given most people who lose weight, regain the weight, most people diet more than once and get caught in the trap of weight cycling. Weight cycling causes inflammation in the body and increases risk factors for obesity related disease regardless of a person’s weight. Weight cycling also damages a person’s psychology as mentioned in point 4. If you have dieted, or are dieting, you will be familiar with the complete sense of failure every time you “fall off the wagon” or regain weight. This sense of failure leads to food binges and chips away at your self esteem and body image.

6. Diets fail people, people do not fail diets.

As you restrict calories and lose weight, there are neurological, biological and metabolic changes which occur that make it almost impossible to maintain the diet and a significant amount of weight loss. Restricting food makes you think constantly about food and eating, hormones increase your appetite and leave you less satiated after a meal and your metabolism becomes more efficient so that your body requires less energy than it did before.

But there is good news!

You can start to feel better about yourself without dieting or losing weight. With a Non-Diet Approach, you can start to improve your relationship with food and your body and significantly improve your mental and physical health. While the focus is shifted away from weight loss, weight loss can occur as you stop worrying so much about food or your body. As you let go of restrictions around food and allow yourself to eat freely, you will find in time that you no longer want to, or need to, binge on your “forbidden” foods.

Enjoy all food and the pleasure of eating, love your body for what it can do rather than how it looks and change your life for the better!

All research for above facts can be found in these articles:

Zoe Nicholson – figureate Dietitian

The Moderation Movement's photo.

Moderation movement


Among all the bad and mad advice on what and how and how much to eat, there is occasionally a voice of sanity:

There is more than one way to achieve wellness.  There is not one 'correct' way of eating or moving in order to be healthy.  Be wary of anyone who claims there is. If there's more than one path to wellness then how do you know which is the best way for YOU?   Here are my tips for finding your own healthy balance... YOUR best path to wellness will: Be sustainable for you Your habits could easily be sustained for the rest of your life.  They are not extreme behaviours that can only be followed for a short period of time.  They are suited to your lifestyle, your working hours, your family commitments and your preferences.   Make you feel great (long term) Your health habits should make you feel physically, mentally and emotionally better.  You should not feel guilty, anxious or obsessive.  (Those feelings are a sure sign you're not on the right wellness path for you).   Be flexible Your food and exercise choices should allow for social events, eating out, and celebrations.  Your ideal path to wellness recognises that these are an important part of your life and you should enjoy them without anxiety or guilt.   Get advice from true experts When you're feeling unwell you book in to see your GP.  When you need assistance with your eating or digestive issues you book to see a dietitian.  When you have an injury you book in to see a physiotherapist.  Your best path to wellness will let the true experts guide you, ignoring health trends and self-proclaimed health gurus. Be focused on how you feel and function (rather than how you look) Achieving wellness is about feeling energised, moving more easily, eliminating or reducing pain, boosting immunity, and reducing your risk of disease.  Feeling strong, fit, well and energised is awesome.  Shaping your body to look a particular way is not improving your wellness and it's worth reminding yourself of the difference regularly. Not follow others blindly Only you know what makes you feel better physically, mentally and emotionally.  Sometimes to sort it all out you'll need expert advice and consultation, but it's still your journey, your choice.  Just because a friend or family member feels fabulous eating one way, or doing particular exercise, doesn't mean you will too.   Be open to discussion and new evidence When you're on your best path to wellness, you don't feel the need to defend it aggressively.  You're open to discussing other's ways of eating and exercising.  You don't judge other's paths because you know they're choosing their own way, like you're choosing your own way.  You don't shame others.  You're willing to read new research or hear from experts and you make your own decisions about it.  You feel confident in your choices because they are YOURS. Have I forgotten anything?  How do you know when you're on the right (or wrong) path to wellness for YOU? - Jodie, Healthy Balance Fitness


There is more than one way to achieve wellness. There is not one ‘correct’ way of eating or moving in order to be healthy. Be wary of anyone who claims there is.

If there’s more than one path to wellness then how do you know which is the best way for YOU?

Here are my tips for finding your own healthy balance…

YOUR best path to wellness will:

* Be sustainable for you

Your habits could easily be sustained for the rest of your life. They are not extreme behaviours that can only be followed for a short period of time. They are suited to your lifestyle, your working hours, your family commitments and your preferences.

* Make you feel great (long term)

Your health habits should make you feel physically, mentally and emotionally better. You should not feel guilty, anxious or obsessive. (Those feelings are a sure sign you’re not on the right wellness path for you).

* Be flexible

Your food and exercise choices should allow for social events, eating out, and celebrations. Your ideal path to wellness recognises that these are an important part of your life and you should enjoy them without anxiety or guilt.

* Get advice from true experts

When you’re feeling unwell you book in to see your GP. When you need assistance with your eating or digestive issues you book to see a dietitian. When you have an injury you book in to see a physiotherapist. Your best path to wellness will let the true experts guide you, ignoring health trends and self-proclaimed health gurus.

* Be focused on how you feel and function (rather than how you look)

Achieving wellness is about feeling energised, moving more easily, eliminating or reducing pain, boosting immunity, and reducing your risk of disease. Feeling strong, fit, well and energised is awesome. Shaping your body to look a particular way is not improving your wellness and it’s worth reminding yourself of the difference regularly.

* Not follow others blindly

Only you know what makes you feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. Sometimes to sort it all out you’ll need expert advice and consultation, but it’s still your journey, your choice. Just because a friend or family member feels fabulous eating one way, or doing particular exercise, doesn’t mean you will too.

* Be open to discussion and new evidence

When you’re on your best path to wellness, you don’t feel the need to defend it aggressively. You’re open to discussing other’s ways of eating and exercising. You don’t judge other’s paths because you know they’re choosing their own way, like you’re choosing your own way. You don’t shame others. You’re willing to read new research or hear from experts and you make your own decisions about it. You feel confident in your choices because they are YOURS.

Have I forgotten anything? How do you know when you’re on the right (or wrong) path to wellness for YOU?

This comes from the Moderation Movement.