Word of the day


Slench – an idle fellow; a big piece or lump of anything; to hunt about privately with a view to stealing food; to creep or slink away; to sneak;  to quench one’s thirst; to prune a hedge; to cut one side of it only.

Sowell says


Woman of the day


Labour’s legacy


If you’re reading this before 9am, perhaps you should stop, turn your computer off and put on more clothes to keep warm rather than using a heater.

Transpower is asking us to save power for a couple of hours.

I can’t be the only one who sees the problem with the previous government’s policies.

They taxed the productive sector – tradies, farmers and others who need utes for work, to subsidise buyers of electric cars when we don’t have enough power.

One reason for that is that Labour stopped exploration for gas which resulted in the need to import more coal – and Genesis is having to do that again:

Power generator Genesis Energy expects to be buying coal again by the end of this year, in part due to a quickly diminishing gas supply.

Genesis said it aimed to maintain its solid fuel stockpile “to keep the lights on” for its customers through the “yo-yo” effects of the energy transition away from carbon dioxide emission. . . 

They put the green cart in front of the alternative power source horses.

That’s Labour’s legacy – a policy that was supposed to be better for carbon emissions making them worse and a potential power shortage just as winter bites.