Word of the day


Alluvion – the action of the sea or a river in adding to the area of land by deposition; a gradual increase of land on a shore or a river bank by the action of water from natural or artificial causes;  the gradual formation of new land, as by the recession of the sea or deposit of sediment on a riverbed; the slow accretion or erosion of soil, sand, and other parts of land; matter deposited as sediment; the wash of the sea or of a river; an overflow or flood.

Milne muses


Beautifying the blogosphere



Maya muses


Sunday soapbox


Sunday’s soapbox is yours to use as you will – within the bounds of decency and absence of defamation. You’re welcome to look back or forward, discuss issues of the moment, to pontificate, ponder or point us to something of interest, to educate, elucidate or entertain, amuse, bemuse or simply muse, but not abuse.

Agriculture is not crop production as popular belief holds – it’s the production of food and fiber from the world’s land and waters. Without agriculture it is not possible to have a city, stock market, banks, university, church or army. Agriculture is the foundation of civilisation and any stable economy. – Allan Savory