Otago University Capping Show Sextet

Day 20 in the tune a day challenge for NZ Music Month takes us to Dunedin.

Otago University can claim many achievements, one of which is that it has the longest running Capping Show in the country.

It’s on at the moment and one of the most popular acts will be the Sextet. They’re famed for singing the best versions of the worst songs because while their voices are sublime the lyrics are usually not.

I didn’t hear anything too risque in this but rural broadband makes listening to videos a stop-start process and the words aren’t always clear so be warned I might have missed something.

Catching up on other blogs:

Rob chose: One Good reason from The Swingers and Dave McArtney’s Virginia.

Inquiring Mind went for The Warratahs with Hand on My Heart

Keeping Stock brought us Flight of the Conchords with Business Time

Artandmylife presents Graham Brazier with Billy Bold.

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