Helping hand for our neighbours

The tragic news from across the Tasman worsens as the  death toll rises  and damage to property from the bushfires in New South Wales and Victoria continues.

There’s not a lot we can do from this side of the ditch but offer our prayers and donations. 

Red Cross volunteers are helping victims and providing support for emergency services. You can donate to the bushfire appeal via the NZ Red Cross website or give $20 by phoning 0900 33 200.

The website also gives an email address for people who can’t contact relatives in the danger area.

The government has started the appeal with a $500,ooo donation  and 100 New Zealand firefighters will fly to Australia to help.

Keeping Stock  has a link for the Australian Red Cross.

2 Responses to Helping hand for our neighbours

  1. Paul Daniel says:

    On behalf of Red Cross here in Melbourne, thanks for all our support.


  2. Paul Daniel says:

    That should be all YOUR support, of course.


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