Attitude matters – Conor English

Quote of the week from Federated Farmers chief executive Conor English:

If we want to remain a first world country, someone has to make some money somewhere in this country to pay the bills. The attitudes of those who contribute to make that money, and of others towards them, is critical. Wealth creators are like children – there is no future without them. Everyone has their part to play, but someone has to start the money go round.

A first world country has first world services, infrastructure and environment.

But it needs first world incomes to sustain them.

The motivation for economic growth isn’t wealth for its own sake but for what can be achieved with it and that depends on successful individuals and businesses.

New Zealanders usually have no trouble appreciating sporting success but we’re not nearly as good at appreciating the hard work and skills required for financial success.

We need a change of attitude from envy and suspicion to appreciation and aspiration.

11 Responses to Attitude matters – Conor English

  1. Andrei says:

    Amen to that – words of common sense and wisdom, fit to be carved into tablets of stone.


  2. robertguyton says:

    “Mummy! The meanie kids are teasing me for being a money-creator! Tell them I’m entitled to adoration Mummy. Tell them!!”


  3. Fredinthegrass says:

    Did your breakfast not agree with you this morning, Rg. I have just obtained a new batch of birdseed that might help your disposition.


  4. robertguyton says:

    Money-creators, calling fowl Fred. I don’t think we need to anguish over Brother English feeling under-appreciated. Are they so delicate that they need us to cheer heartily for the work they do?
    While I’m not interested in bashing them, I don’t feel especially inclined to stroke their egos either. You?


  5. robertguyton says:

    Paul Holmes on Q&A just now –
    “The real New Zealand heroes are our business people.”



  6. gravedodger says:

    Robert Guyton, Comprehension: NYC.
    Read the post again and please concentrate.

    To assist, thats help.
    Key words:
    Envy, Suspicion, Appreciation, Aspiration.


  7. robertguyton says:

    “But while we may have concerns about attitudes to children, what about our attitudes on other fronts. If we changed the word “children” above to “business person”, “exporter”, “farmer”, “manufacturer” or “wealth creator” – can we say New Zealand has a different attitude than some parents have towards the children they abuse? Is this harsh but fair? Maybe, maybe not?”

    Chew on that Gravy.


  8. Andrei says:

    Whatever Robert Guyton;

    We can argue the toss all day long but it doesn’t alter the fact that there is no magical money tree.

    Or that in order to keep media studies professors in the style to which they have become accustomed somebody has to get up early in the morning to milk the cows or to dig the coal out of the ground.

    This is because milk and the various products derived from it as well as coal are things people will willingly pay good money for, unlike the excrement produced by media studies professors which can neither be eaten nor used to create electricity which comes in handy when trying to keep ourselves warm.


  9. Cadwallader says:

    Stating the obvious but it needed to be said. Good stuff!


  10. robertguyton says:

    Andrei – Key, English and co don’t “get up early in the morning to milk the cows or to dig the coal out of the ground.”
    Their work “can neither be eaten nor used to create electricity which comes in handy when trying to keep ourselves warm.”
    The “the style to which they have become accustomed” is something that reeks of excrement, by your reckoning here.
    I’m surprised at your vitriol toward the Government.


  11. Fredinthegrass says:

    Been away today Rg. Should have stayed away. You seem to be missing the point, or being obtuse, or just being your self. Perhaps I’ll go eat the bird seed myself! You are ‘chirpy’ enough without it.


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