Spot the flaw in logic

Staff at a McDonalds drive-through refused to serve a motorcyclist on health and safety grounds.

Mr Martin, who has been riding for more than 30 years, has blasted the policy at the Otford fast food restaurant.

“It’s just nanny state gone mad,” said Mr Martin, who works in health and safety himself.

“They’re afraid I’ll go driving up the road clutching a bag of McDonald’s. I’ve got this huge boot under the seat the food goes in.

“In my more than 30 years of riding a motorcycle I can’t imagine anyone trying to eat food on the handlebars. You couldn’t get it past your visor for a start.”

Will they now stop serving people in cars in case they sip their coffee or eat their burgers while driving?

Do they check people wash their hands before they eat?

How soon before staff at fast food outlets start checking blood pressure and giving lectures on diet before they serve their customers?

Hat Tip: Adam Smith Institute.

2 Responses to Spot the flaw in logic

  1. Paul Tremewan says:

    We bikers get this all the time. bloody discrimination!..
    Still, wearing the leathers makes up for the ever present downside!
    The great thing about our helmets is that the people at McDonalds never know that there might be an iPod being listened to under the lid… and they don’t know how loud it is! hahahaha


  2. gravedodger says:

    Good one Paul used to get a really good feeling to roll up on the Harley and until I had to move the body no one knew how old the dude was, the secret was out when the dismount commenced so helmet removal was first.


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