Bringing history to life


Oamaru’s Little Blue Penguin colony had been operating for years before we visited it, and then it was only because we were hosting visitors from overseas.

That’s often the way, tourists know more about local attractions than the locals do.

But I’ve been asking myself why locals don’t support local initiatives because I’ve heard lots of good things about one of Oamaru’s tourist attractions but still haven’t gone to see it for myself.

It’s Living History’s Secrets of the Old Town – walking tours of the historic precinct enlivened by professional actors who become real people from history to tell the town’s stories.

Among the characters are Cranky Kelly, the Scottish Laird and the woman who dared to ask for shoes and those who’ve done the tour tell me they do a wonderful and entertaining job of bringing history to life.

The Living History Players take visitors back in time and behind the scenes to reveal Oamaru’s historic secrets and treasures.

The 50 minute tours leave the Oamaru iSite at 7pm each evening and finish in time to see the penguins come ashore.

I’ve booked to do the tour next Monday and will let you know how it goes. In the meantime, the ODT’s Sally Rae did the tour in January and wrote about it here and there are several online reviews here.