Anti-social tenants no longer tolerated

Anti-social tenants will no longer be tolerated in state houses:

Kāinga Ora – Homes & Communities has been instructed to end the Sustaining Tenancies Framework and take stronger measures against persistent antisocial behaviour by tenants, says Housing Minister Chris Bishop. . . 

“As part of Kāinga Ora’s focus on core functions we expect them to end their Sustaining Tenancies Framework, which has allowed tenants to stay living in a KO home no matter how threatening or disruptive their behaviour, or how much damage they cause to the property,” Mr Bishop says.

“Sustaining Tenancies has had exactly the effect you’d expect: there is no incentive for tenants to improve their anti-social behaviour or to stop deliberately damaging their taxpayer-owned house. There are hundreds of serious complaints every month – the most recent stat has been 335 serious complaints per month – of things like intimidation, harassment, threatening behaviour and worse.

“And yet, in all of 2023 only three tenancies ended due to ‘disruptive behaviour’.

The previous government’s tolerance of unruly tenants put them before the victims of their disruptive and threatening behaviour.

“New Zealanders are sick of hearing about terrifying and heartbreaking stories from neighbours of abusive and antisocial Kāinga Ora tenants. It’s completely unacceptable that people should have to live in fear.

“Neighbours of Kāinga Ora residents, who are frequently Kāinga Ora residents themselves, are tired of having to put up with Kāinga Ora tenants who abuse the privilege of a taxpayer-funded home.

“At a time when there are over 25,000 people on the social housing wait list, Kāinga Ora should not be prioritising tenants who abuse their home or their neighbours above families who are anxiously waiting for a home.

“I want to emphasise that this framework change won’t have any impact on the majority of Kāinga Ora tenants who already do the right thing. . . 

The usual bleeding hearts are criticising this and saying it will leave people homeless.

No-one will be evicted if they behave properly and evicting those who don’t behave properly will free up homes for those who do.

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