Will it make the boat go faster?

The Reserve Bank is advertising for a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion advisor.

The Bank has one mandate – to keep inflation between one and three percent.

It has failed in that and is only slowly getting inflation back down to the upper limit.

Will it make the boat go faster? was the question asked of everything everyone involved with New Zealand’s first successful challenge of the world cup planned and did.

The question the bank should be asking of everything it plans and does is, will it get inflation back where it should be?

If it asked that question of having a diversity, equity and inclusion advisor, the answer would almost certainly be no.

Good employers create a good culture in their organisations that includes respect for, and good treatment of, everyone they work with. That’s what the bank should do and it doesn’t need a DEI advisor to do it.


2 Responses to Will it make the boat go faster?

  1. […] This article by Ele Ludemann was first published on Homepaddock […]


  2. […] Will it make the boat go faster? […]


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