A tribute to Rob Hosking

Rob Hosking, one of New Zealand’s top journalists has died.

I knew Rob through his work long before I met him. His columns at the NBR were always written with erudition and wit.

His posts at his blog, The Hinterland were eclectic showing among other things his love for, and knowledge of, books and the outdoors.

We met only a few times and corresponded by email a few more.

Early last year he emailed, worrying about me after something I’d blogged.

In his response to my reply he mentioned he had cancer. When I saw his by-line in the NBR late last year I hoped that meant he had recovered.

Sadly it didn’t.

If I who knew him mostly through his writing am crying as I type, how much harder his loss will be felt by his family and circle of friends.

In one email he wrote of the ambition he and a friend had to climb all the mountains with gloomy names in New Zealand. I replied telling him Mount Misery is on our property and inviting him to climb it.

He wasn’t able to but every time I’m there I will remember him.

Hat tip: Kiwi blog

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