Thursday’s quiz

Once more I’m leaving the questions up to you with a bag of electronic baking to anyone who asks a question which stumps everyone.

But one question from me: do you want me to keep leaving the questions up to you, would you like me to go back the asking the questions, or would you prefer a mix of both?

22 Responses to Thursday’s quiz

  1. Andrei says:

    I am fairly sure that the name of the man who I have posted a link to a recent photograph of will be familiar to you – you will know the name but not the face.

    He is responsible for something that helped shape the course of world history during the second half of the 20th century

    Who is this man?


  2. Andrei says:

    Sorry my link went wrong


  3. adam2314 says:



  4. adam2314 says:

    Ooops .. you said second half of the century..

    Will have to think deeper.


  5. Andrei says:

    This man is still alive Adam and I’m sure you will recognize his name


  6. adam2314 says:

    Mikhail Kalashnikov.


  7. Richard says:

    Adam; Kalashnikov. I think you are right – invented one of the most simple weapons – Andrei – fooled me for a while with the uniform But K was a an inventor not a military person


  8. Richard says:

    This should be easy: Who was the inventor of the “Cross-slot tillage” ?


  9. adam2314 says:

    ” invented one of the most simple weapons “..

    There is well known doubt about the invention of the Kalashnikov..

    Germany had a factory making such a weapon at the very end of WW11..

    It was taken Holus Bolus to Russia… including some staff..

    You may well be correct on K’s military status.. I have always known him ( not personally, but have met his off-spring ) to have been a General..


  10. adam2314 says:

    Cross-slot tillage..

    Tillage I understand.. Cross-slot .. !! possibly..

    I remember following my Grand-father as he wrestled with the horse ( A Magnificent Beast.. A Shire.. None of your Clydesdale weaklings ) drawn plough..

    Slot may give it some more meaning.. Did it slot seeds as it went ??..

    Who invented it .. ??



  11. adam2314 has it. I met him when he toured South Africa in 1997. Fascinating man.
    I thought that the cross-slot tillage system was developed by a team at Massey. Was there a single inventor?


  12. adam2314 says:

    Sorry Grant .. I am unable to remember you.. The last time that i was in SA was 1958.. :-))

    Am I fascinating ??.. Shucks !!!. .. OK.. Yes !!. :-))


  13. Gravedodger says:

    Cross slot drills
    Baker has a connection in my memory in the science and theory, Aitcheson built the drills.


  14. The MP-43/ MP-44/StG-44 have very different locking systems to the AK series. Check these pictures:

    My grandfather brought an MP-44 home from the war; he sold it in the early 1970s to a US collector when South Africa banned automatic weapons in most private hands. I fired it then, but my most recent experience with the family was with a StG-44 at a gun show in 2002.
    I’ve used an AK-47 operationally.


  15. Ha ha Adam2314. I met Kalashnikov.


  16. adam2314 says:

    It ‘s far better that you met Kalashnikov, Than one !!..

    Would liked to have been at that meeting..


  17. homepaddock says:

    I had a post scheduled for tomorrow morning about the drill, will postpone it so as not to give the answer away.

    Grant – sorry your last comment was delayed in moderation – often happens with links.


  18. adam2314 says:

    Surely HP when it is an open Quizz you should be able to compete ..
    Look forward to your drill answer..

    Andrie appears to have slunk back to cooking in his own oven .. :-))

    Grant.. I gave up serious guns years ago…
    Do not want to play with them any more :-)0

    But i am still fascinating :-)0



  19. Andrei says:

    I never win the cookies in these things Adam, its ok, it’s fun to play,

    The Cross-slot tillage question is not easy, despite what Richard said, but the answer is Dr John Baker and the only reason I know bizarrely is that when I lit the fire with an old newspaper some remnant pages were left on the hearth. And just a few minutes ago, for tidiness sake, I picked them up to fold them away to light tomorrows fire and his picture was staring right back at me.

    I had an aha moment. Cross-slot tillage not having crossed my consciousness before I will know all about it for evermore.


  20. adam2314 says:

    Agree.. Did not know the answer myself.. GD appears to be on track.. HP might have a copy of your paper.. Thus knows but is not saying..

    Looks like Richard is getting food tonight..


  21. inventory2 says:

    Aitcheson Industries is indeed one of the world’s leading manufacturers of seed drills, and they make ’em in a factory on the outskirts of Wanganui.


  22. Richard says:

    It appears Ele has the detail – yes I saw it in a paper a few days ago – fascinating. Reminds me that the Queen’s Birthday Honours and why has this inventor not been on one.- QBH have been leaked by accident. So question for next week – Who is the most undeserving?- easy answer for for me, at least


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