Nat’s tax cuts

National will keep the October tax cuts and bring in the second stage of it’s tax cut programme in April next year, if it becomes the government. It will introduce a third round of tax cuts in 2010.

Vernon Small reports:

Labour’s second round of tax cuts was not due to take effect till April 2010, but Mr Key said National would not ask taxpayers to wait another 18 months for the second cut.

“They have waited far too long already,” he said at the the opening of the party’s election year conference in Wellington this morning.

This announcement was, not surprisingly, met by applause from the 700 or so delegates, of which I am one.

2 Responses to Nat’s tax cuts

  1. Inventory2 says:

    C’mon HP – you have their ears – how much?


  2. homepaddock says:

    I2 – down here at the grassroots we aren’t privy to the numbers – but in spite of my Presbyterian upbring I’d be preapred to bet that they’ll better anything the other lot offer 🙂


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