Why Occupy NZ failed

A court in Auckland ruled that people’s right to protest doesn’t mean they can continue to occupy public land but a few stragglers in Wellington are refusing to give up.

If they took the time to read Chris Trotter’s explanation of why the Occupy movement didn’t work here they could save themselves time and the public money.

Beloved communities arise out of the open and collective struggle for a better world, not from muddy encampments, or the ineffectual fluttering of consensual hands.

The Occupy movement was an import which didn’t relate to the local situation. Protesters made a fuss but accomplished nothing positive because they were against all sorts of things but not united for anything.

3 Responses to Why Occupy NZ failed

  1. The irony is that advocates of government enforced redistribution to make ‘us all equal’, by which they always mean equal income, such as Totter, are actually advocating policies that create the useless, inarticulate rabble that are our Occupy movement. But they never seem capable of making the connection, or they don’t want to.


  2. Neil says:

    An interesting post HP.The Occupy movement was never going to jell in NZ where disparities in wealth are not that great really.
    Most of the population would see these people as “rent a protestor types” who are looking for something to hit the streets with.
    My feeling is that the vote that the Mana party got on Nov 26,with Hone Harawira and Sue Bradford, would be an indication of what the population really think.
    There was no group warmth in that group, only angry shouting.Yet they believe they have all the rights to complain but fail on their societal responsibilities.


  3. JC says:

    It didn’t seem to enter their heads that the public saw *them* as the one percent.



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