Friday’s answers

Thursday’s questions were:

1. What is Metrosideros excelsa?

2. Who said: “Any idiot can face a crisis – it’s day to day living that wears you out.”?

3. It’s ordenador in Spanish, ordinateur  in French and  rorohiko in Maori – what is it in English?

4. Who won the 2010 Rutherford Medal?

5. Name three of the five MPs who’ve just completed 20 years in parliament.

There I was offering a bonus electronic posy if anyone got # 2 because I thought it was a tough question, and three people got it.

James got two right.

Ray got four right, the bonus posy for answering #2 – and a you-could-say that for his answer to #5.

Andrei got three and a bonus posy.

Rob got two right, a bonus for knowing more than three of the MPs (though I think Robertson enetered parliament in’87 not ’90) and another bonus for humour.

David got three and a bonus for added information.

Zen got two with bonuses for extra French and humour and a bonus posy.

Paul got 3 /13 with a bonus for humour.

PDM got one for humour – but I hope he’s not prophetic.

The answers follow the break:

1. Pohutakawa.

2. Anton Chekhov.

3. Computer.

4. Prof Warren Tate.

5. Bill English, Tony Ryall, Nick Smith, LIanne Dalziel, Pete Hodgson.

One Response to Friday’s answers

  1. adam2314 says:

    No bonus for the six million dollar man..

    My phone line was down :-((

    Would not have had many of the answers if the truth be told .


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