The fashion of politics

Fashion journalist Sylvia Giles is taking the triumph of image over substance seriously by looking at politics and its practitioners through designer glasses.

In her first post  she dressed down National’s Auckland Central candidate, Nikki Kaye, over her photo.

Then she took a critical look at John Key’s  image.

And now she’s annointed Winston Peters  as our best dressed politician and has run her eye (though thankfully not literally) over his underpants.

She can only go up from there.

Update: The Hand Mirror  is less than impressed too.

6 Responses to The fashion of politics

  1. cindy moore says:

    Good info thank-you


  2. stef says:

    Grrr. I hate this sort of shit. Post forthcoming.


  3. homepaddock says:

    Stef – my tongue was firmly in my cheek when I posted this.


  4. OMG that was awful.
    What does she get paid for this drivel?
    Hells bells, I do a bit on the side for a fashion mag, though more about the business of fashion.
    I bet I could do a better job commenting on their clothes.
    The piece about Nikki was just plain bitching.
    And I’m sure there’s many a blogger, even the lefty ones, that have a better grasp of politics.
    Send the young lass back to journalism school and a student mag.


  5. exexpat says:

    I was pissed at TV3 not you!


  6. Kate Fitzroy says:

    Fairfacts Media: ” just plain bitching….
    Send the young lass back to journalism school and a student mag” – hypocrite?


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