Word of the day


Genetrix – the biological mother of a child; mother.

Beautifying the blogosphere


Women of the day


Today’s women of the day are the mothers with more than enough love:

The mothers with more than enough love but too little sleep.

The mothers with more than enough love but too little money.

The mothers with more than enough love but too little time.

The mothers with more than enough love but too little help.

The mothers who know you need sleep and money and help and time and that they matter but some days more than enough love is all you have.




The Women Before


A Mother’s Day poem from Scottish poet Donna Ashworth:


It is not just your mother who may walk with you in spirit, it is her mother too. And her mother’s mother. And her mother’s friends, who loved by choice and not blood. And the women before them. Generations and generations of female energy, watching in admiration as you forge ahead living better, feeling better, accepting better, than they ever did. As they were much hoped you would.

So, when you feel low, lonely or unloved. Remember them, feel them. They are with you, and they burn brightly with their boundless light, in everything you do. You, my friends, are the ‘moment in time’ of many women gone before, and you will lay pathways, like they did, for those who come up next.

What a beautiful, unending legacy.

From her book Wild Hope

Aurora Australis/Southern Lights spectacular


One of our staff took this photo yesterday morning:


The solar storm that made the Aurora Australis, Southern Lights, so spectacular was only just visible with the naked eye at home last night, but my phone camera captured these shots:

The ODT covered the spectacle here.

The NZ Herald covered it here.