Word of the day


Bibliomania,– a passion for books; an extreme preoccupation or passionate enthusiasm for collecting and possessing books; a symptom of obsessive–compulsive disorder which involves the collecting or even hoarding of books to the point where social relations or health are damaged.

Sowell says


Woman of the day


From good reads to good deeds


Oamaru Rotary Club’s annual Bookarama opened yesterday with 10s of thousands of books for sale.

A small but dedicated team of book lovers, not all of whom are Rotarians, have spend the past three weeks collecting, sorting, pricing and displaying the books.

We’ll be there every day until Sunday next week when everything gets packed up and moved out.

All the proceeds will be donated to local community projects.

It’s a huge effort for a small team but well worth it to turn good reads into good deeds.