Women of the Day

Today’s women of the day are the millions worldwide who have ovarian cancer.

It strikes about one woman in 70 and is the deadliest of the five gynaecological cancers.

Symptoms can include:

*Bloating Eating less and feeling fuller

*Abdominal, pelvic or back pain

*Needing to pee more or urgently

*Bowel habit changes


Indigestion, abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge, unexplained weight changes and painful sex are also possible symptoms.

These symptoms might not be ovarian cancer but if they last more than a few weeks, you should see a doctor and keep going until the cause of the symptoms is found.

The earlier the diagnosis the better the survival rate.

Ovarian cancer is not detected by a cervical smear. The tests for the disease are a CA-125 blood test and transvaginal ultrasound.

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