More to success than leader

There’s no doubt that John Key’s popularity is an important component in National’s popularity.

But there is more to political success than a party leader.

This is a lesson Act must be learning. Don Brash led National close to winning the 2005 election but he’s made no impact on Act’s support.

It is something Labour don’t appear to understand.

Trans Tasman says:

Meanwhile Goff questioned his front bench colleagues last week as to whether he should resign as leader. The questioning took place at a pre-caucus meeting of the front bench group. It followed publication of at least three opinion polls showing Labour slipping heavily in electoral popularity.

Caucus sources says the response to the question was muted, with one senior MP saying “it’s up to you Phil.” There was no disagreement. The catalyst for a leadership discussion is the realisation if Labour slips further respected list MPs like Kelvin Davis and Stuart Nash may lose their places.

Phil Goff and some of his colleagues denied this but Tracy Watkins reports a senior MP confirmed the story.

What happened, or didn’t, doesn’t matter as much as the picture the story paints of an unstable and divided caucus.

They could change leaders but until they have loyalty, cohesion and policy the public support it won’t make much difference.

John Key is part of National’s success and Phil Goff is part of his party’s failure. But it will take a lot more than a leadership change to solve Labour’s problems.

2 Responses to More to success than leader

  1. […] Homepaddock writes an interesting piece on leadership in political parties. […]


  2. fredinthegrass says:

    IMHO, Hp, it is the “C” words that count…….and not in any order of preference, here are my ones that make a leader and a government that leads.
    Cohesion, Conviction, Conciseness, Correctness (NOT political!!)
    Compassion, Conciliation, Consideration, Constitution – where is ours – Compromisation. Some might add Confusion!?

    And if you get it wrong – as they surely will sometimes – it is the “A: words that count.
    Admit, apologise, advance.


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