National + Labour –

Trans Tasman spots the differences between National and Labour:

Key’s skill has been to make National look positive, and Labour negative. National wants to improve life in NZ, Labour simply to soften the rough edges. National seeks to fix policies which clearly haven’t worked in the past, Labour still clings to a “tax-and-spend” ethic, which is well past its “use-by” date. Even in areas which have proven controversial such as national standards in education, National is seen to be striving to lift performance.

National’s policies are aspirational, Labour’s are motivated by envy; National wants to foster independence, Labour wants to encourage dependence; National aims to reduce the burden of the state, Labour plans to increase it.

National’s aim to win 48% of the vote in the election is very ambitious.

But it’s offering positive policies which appeal to a broader group in contrast to Labour which has negative policies of little appeal to anyone beyond its core supporters.

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