Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

Paul Tremewan’s comment on today being the birthday of bubble wrap sent me is search of information about it – and there’s lots.

It’s been manufactured by Sealed Air Corp for 50 years.

It was invented by Arthur Alfred W. Fielding and Marc Chavannes by happy accident when they were trying to make wallpaper with a plastic backing.

Today is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day – and there’s a lot to appreciate.

Besides the obvious use of protective packaging for precious bits and pieces, it’s been employed for many other things and has even been used to make a wedding dress.

I’m an advocate for its therapeutic  properties – popping the bubbles is fun.

Bubble wrap is also very good for wrapping clothes when you’re travelling. My farmer wrapped his suit in it before we flew to Argentina for a wedding last year and it arrived without a crease.

5 Responses to Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

  1. gravedodger says:

    Thankyou for that to both of you. There is just sooo much info out there.


  2. homepaddock says:

    Thank you, Deborah – that was fun.


  3. Michael says:

    Never heard of using bubble wrap as a crease preventative measure. I will try it out next time I fly overseas.


  4. Howard W. Fielding says:

    Hi. I hate to pop the bubble, but your source (Sealed Air Corp.) gave you the wrong name of one of the co-founders. It’s Alfred W. Fielding, not Arthur. They’ve since corrected it on the company website. Thanks!


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