Have you failed enough to succeed?

I am blessed with many friends who are successful people and not a single one hasn’t made mistakes, hasn’t failed at something, hasn’t faced seriously difficult challenges.

These people aren’t successful in spite of their failures, they’re successful because of them – they’ve been knocked down, learned from that and got up again.

Some can learn from others’ mistakes the rest of us have to be the other people and learn from our own mistakes.

I don’t know Roger Federer, but his is a message for getting success from failure.

His messages include:

  • Effortless is a myth. . . 
  • Belief in yourself has to be earned. . . 
  • Discipline is a talent. . . 
  • When you’re playing a point, it has to be the most important thing in the world and it is. But when it’s behind you, it’s behind you. This mindset is really crucial, because it frees you to fully commit to the next point and the next point after that with intensity, clarity, and focus. The truth is, whatever game you play in life, sometimes, you’re going to lose a point, a match, a season, a job. . . 

The transcript is at the link above or you can listen to it.

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