Saturday’s smiles

Four high school boys skipped the first class of the day.

After lunch they reported to the teacher that they’d had a flat tyre.

Much to their relief she smiled and said, “Well, you missed a test but I can give it to you now. Take seats apart from one another and take out a piece of paper.”

Still smiling, she waited for them to sit down. Then she said: “First Question: Which tyre was flat?”

2 Responses to Saturday’s smiles

  1. fredinthegrass says:

    Answer: The one in the boot waiting to go to the tyre man!


  2. jabba says:

    A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken takes out a cigarette and begins to smoke. The egg, pissed off, takes one look at the chicken, rolls over and pulls the blanket over him and says, “I guess we answered that question!”


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